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"The real secret of success is enthusiasm. You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hope rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eye, it is the swing in your gait, the grid of your hand, the irresistible surge of your will and your energy to execute your ideas. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude, the have staying qualities. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress. With it there is accomplishment. Without it there are only alibis."
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- Muy Buena53
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ha calificado y dijo : "Gracias por usarme en Yoigo".
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Operadores-Vodafone 622 ( 86 27)
Compra-Venta-Telefonía Móvil 119 ( 0 1)
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Operadores Móviles Virtuales (OMV)-.Tuenti 41 ( 0 2)
Operadores Móviles Virtuales (OMV)-Simyo 34 ( 0 2)
Telefonía Móvil-Liberaciones 32 ( 0 0)
Operadores-Yoigo 23 ( 0 2)
Telefonía Móvil-Teléfonos Móviles 22 ( 0 0)
Resto 120 ( 16 3)
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