Cómo solucionar el problema de las repos con errores en Cydia

3.586 1
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Lo he encontrado por un foro extranjero, q me estaba dando por saco una repo... y ha funcionado.

I will show you how to get rid of these errors simply buy removing the source itself.

Cómo solucionar el problema de las repos con errores en Cydia

What you will need:
1. An SSH program - Cyberduck or Transmit for Mac and PuTTY or WinSCP for Windows. If you use a different program then use that.

2. Wi-Fi

3. The iPhone or iPod touch with the Cydia error.

4. Open SSH installed via Cydia.

What to do?
Open the SSH program and make sure you can see server:, User Name:, Password:, Path: and Port:.

For server enter the IP address your iPhone is connected to. You can do this by opening the Settings app and going to the Wi-Fi section and then looking for the Wi-Fi you are connected to. Then click the arrow which shows the Wi-Fi info. Search for the IP Address e.g.

The user name for your iPhone is root.

The password is alpine.

Leave the path blank.

Make sure the port is 22.

Finally make sure you are using SSH or SFTP rather then FTP.

Then press Connect!

Cómo solucionar el problema de las repos con errores en Cydia

If you can not connect restart your iPhone, make sure you have Open SSH installed via Cydia and make sure you have entered the information correctly. Once connected go to the main directory and then navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Search for Cydia.list and open it with a text editing program. You will find a list like this:

deb Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces. ./
deb Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces. ./
deb Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces. ./
deb http:d.mobilecinema.com/ ./

Reopen Cydia and refresh your sources. Read the error and look for the source(s) causing the problem. Then delete it from the Cydia list and save. E.g. If "http:d.mobilecinema.com/" was the problem like it is in the first picture above you would delete deb "http:d.mobilecinema.com/ ./" from the list. I hope this worked for you.

Cuando el infierno esté lleno los muertos caminarán sobre la tierra
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Otia, grande este post. Me equivoque metiendo algunos repos y siempre me daban error


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