Ha salido jailbreak de iOS 7

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Saurik Advierte: Puede que el Jailbreak de iOS 7 No sea Seguro

Saurik advierte que Cydia no está optimizado para iOS 7 y puede que no sea del todo seguro.
Ni el creador de Cydia estaba al corriente del lanzamiento de Evasi0n7.

fuente: ipadizate
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"Dear Jailbreak Community,
We are deeply troubled by the rumors and speculation surrounding our iOS 7 jailbreak. We would like to present the whole story to you.

Most of the concern surrounds the inclusion of the Chinese App Store Taig. In the course of developing the iOS 7 jailbreak, we were approached by the company with an offer of partnership in offering Taig bundled with the jailbreak in China. Taig is a Chinese App Store written in Chinese. tailored and, we believe, well suited to meet the needs of users for the Chinese market. Users are not locked into Taig. Cydia can also be installed and Taig removed afterwards. It would be deeply hypocritical to remove choice from the user in the course of jailbreaking.

Taig has never asked us to disclose our exploits to them, let alone sell them. We were simply asked to bundle their third-party app store in China in a similar way we bundle and distribute Cydia around the world as an additional App Store, and in a similar way to how previous jailbreaks like blackra1n have bundled non-Cydia stores.

Of course, the safety and security of our users is a paramount concern, and due to the amount of close scrutiny by security professionals around the world, we offer one of the lower risk programs available for download on the Internet. We are saddened by the accusations that we would ever do such a thing, or sell weaponized exploits. If anyone ever attempted to include malware in a jailbreak, we are confident that the many security experts combing through jailbreak software would find it. The binaries are obfuscated for a similar reason to why we have in the past compiled in Cydia rather than including it as a separate file. We wish to secure the integrity of the jailbreak and discourage its use by third parties who may in fact wish to weaponize it. The obfuscation is of course not intended to deflect serious analysis by security professionals (who have quickly already fully analyzed and discussed the contents of the jailbreak), it is simply intended to prevent easy repackaging by other parties.

Preventing piracy is also extremely important to us. We are deeply sorry and embarrassed about the piracy that was seen today. All of us have spoken out vehemently against piracy in the past. We don’t believe it’s right for developers to not get paid for their work. In our agreement with Taig, we contractually bind them to not have piracy in their store. This was an extremely important precondition of working with them. In entering the agreement with them, we had hoped and continue to hope that our cooperation with Taig will improve the piracy situation in China. Many App Stores within China, including those run by large corporations, have many issues with pirated software. Promoting an app store that is required not to have piracy with our jailbreak, we believe, will help developers.

We are very upset that despite our agreement and review by their team, piracy was found in the store. It was not acceptable and they have been strenuously working to resolve the problem in good faith, and have removed all instances of it that we have brought to their attention. We are happy that it was not overlooked by the community. We’ve been so heads down working on the code that we didn’t see this. We are sorry. We will continue to monitor this issue and work to resolve it completely. Taig will be pulled from the jailbreak if it cannot be resolved.

Many of you have also wondered why this jailbreak was released without Cydia and MobileSubstrate being updated for iOS 7. After we received the offer from Taig, we informed Saurik, our friend, of our decision to accept the offer. SaurikIT had been in talks with Chinese companies regarding potential partnerships, made a counteroffer. We believe they share our views on how a relationship with companies in China currently utilizing jailbreaking might benefit everyone in the community. Unfortunately, the negotiations did not work out. A few days later, we received information that SaurikIT was working with another group to release a jailbreak ahead of us. We decided to release, knowing that Cydia, MobileSubstrate, and jailbreak tweaks would be updated after a few days, just as it always has in the course of jailbreaking.

Yes, we have benefitted financially from our work, just as many others in the jailbreak community have, including tweak developers, repo owners, etc. Any jailbreak from us will always be free to the users but we believe we have a right to be compensated in an ethical way, just as any other developer. However, the interests of the community will always be the most important thing to us. When releasing the jailbreak, we pledged all our donations to foundations supporting the interests of the community. We are deeply upset at how we have inadvertently distressed the community and we are focused on fixing it.

We love the jailbreak community and you motivate us to do this work. Having a choice and freeing your device is important.

We hope you understand and we thank you for all of your support.

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Originalmente escrito por tunyii
instalado en iPad mini, iPhone 5C y iPhone 5S y a la primera. sin problemas y perfecto.

ahora voy a meterle los repositorios.

buf! que pereza buscarlos otra vez,jajaja

Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces.

Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces.

ya no me sé más xddd

Actualmente en Vodafone.

Fibra 600 MB
RED L con bono de 10 GB adicionales
2 +Líneas L con bono de 10 GB
2 +Líneas M con bono de 10 GB

Móviles: iPhone 7 - iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S8+ y Samsung Galaxy Note 8
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Originalmente escrito por bpmircea
hasta ahora funcionan:

Iwep Pro 5
Wifi passwords
MyWi 7
iCleaner Pro

no se si lo has puesto ya , pero no seria mala idea abrir un post especifico con los que funcionan y las repos donde están.

o que alguien que pueda ir actualizando ese post asiduamente (yo lo pondría pero no tengo tiempo y seria hacerlo a medias)

que te parece? y a los demás?

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 , Samsung Galaxy S8+
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Originalmente escrito por jesusca29
En un iPad 2 no hay manera de meter el jail. Se queda la manzana en bucle.
Tenia el ios 6.3 y lo he actualizado via itunes a ios 7.04. He metido copia de seguridad previamente guardada y reiniciado el ipad antes de ejecutar el jail. Pero nada; lo he hecho 3 veces y vuelta a tener que restaurar y comienzo de todo el proceso.
Asi que lo he dejado en ios 7.04 sin jail a ver si alguno me aclara algo o sale una version de jail algo mas solida.
Tengo un iphone 5 que tendra que esperar, salvo que ahora con el ipad sin jail vea que no merece la pena tener jail, lo cual lo dudo mucho muchho.

un saludo

Originalmente escrito por javy97
iPad 2 WiFi con iOS 7.0.4 mismo problema de la manzana en bucle

Exactamente lo mismo. Esperaremos a ver si hay solución.

Iphone 4, todo correcto a la primera.

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A mi tampoco me parece nada mal. El que pueda sacarse su dinero "honradamente" que lo haga, así sean 100€ o un millón. Dicen que la tienda tiene piratería y tal y por eso están en contra, pero sinceramente, el que quiera piratear lo va a hacer, y el que no quiera no lo va a hacer independientemente de que le instalen eso por defecto. Como sí fuera difícil instalar alguna aplicación de las que se encuentran en cydia para hacerlo...

Lo que yo creo es que la gente es un poco envidiosilla. Ahora eso si lo de compartir información personal... Si me gustaría que lo aclararán, porque eso sí podría ser más grave.
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Si es que al final estas disputas son peor para todos, que cierren Jailbreaks a lo tonto y saquen cosas inestables y con miles de fallos en el proceso

¡Libero móviles desde 50 céntimos! ¡Pregunta! +info aquí
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Originalmente escrito por tunyii
no se si lo has puesto ya , pero no seria mala idea abrir un post especifico con los que funcionan y las repos donde están.

o que alguien que pueda ir actualizando ese post asiduamente (yo lo pondría pero no tengo tiempo y seria hacerlo a medias)

que te parece? y a los demás?

Buena idea, yo lo haría, pero la semana que viene ya no tendría tanto tiempo, porque ya curraria emoticon triste

Actualmente en Vodafone.

Fibra 600 MB
RED L con bono de 10 GB adicionales
2 +Líneas L con bono de 10 GB
2 +Líneas M con bono de 10 GB

Móviles: iPhone 7 - iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S8+ y Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Escrito   0  0  
Los que tenéis jail, al llamar, el icono de la bateria se os vuelve de color blanco?

Actualmente en Vodafone.

Fibra 600 MB
RED L con bono de 10 GB adicionales
2 +Líneas L con bono de 10 GB
2 +Líneas M con bono de 10 GB

Móviles: iPhone 7 - iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S8+ y Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Escrito   0  0  
Originalmente escrito por danii87
Los que tenéis jail, al llamar, el icono de la bateria se os vuelve de color blanco?

el mio esta exactamente igual que antes

iphone 6
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