Liberar Nokia BB5 por menos de 40€ ????

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Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces.

Ok. First thing I had to do was to locate the valid released nokia firmware images. I finally found them via this thread:
Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces.

Download and assemble the .rar files (they're big - 217MB). Run the executable - it will install the phoneix e61 product files.

Next, I used the prior mentioned thread: Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces. and eventually
found Debes estar logueado para poder ver los enlaces. . I followed the dogtoe instructions to the tee.

Be sure to note what variant you have currently installed in case you want to revert back. I scanned product, it found my E61 then selected the 523307 Euro-A Silver v01 variant which has English & Nederlands as the available languages... incidently it is the second smallest variant.

I am working on a chart (there are 36! variants to choose from). I have tried all but two of the APAC variants. I'll post it later when I have a chance. I have to leave now.

Good luck... this should get most of you going.

Oh, one more thing. I flashed about 6 different variants testing out the various languages. At one point there was a problem in phoenix complaining about not being able to 'change to normal mode'. I solved this by inserting my sim card and trying again. I have successfully flashed it many times with/without the sim card.

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es posible liberar un n73 bloqueado en una compañia de estados unidos emurge les pago mas de 40 euros orenle diganem me urge

si el operador de estados unidos es cingular o t-mobile

lo liberamos


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y el E-61 de Vodafone en cuanto me lo dejais?

tanto sabes, tantos manuales has hecho tan bonitos, con sus fotos y tal, y tantos post sobre el tema y no sabes que ese no se libera???
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