[CHOLLO] Camiseta gratis para apoyar las descargas de música

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No sé si será novedad, pero yo ya la he pedido.

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Un poco de lo que pone:

On October 26, 2010, a judge of the Federal Court of the United States issued a permanent injunction which in effect forced the closure of LimeWire by preventing the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality of the Limewire software.
Despite the court's assertion that the Limewire software is used primarily to violate copyrights of filmakers, musicians, and other artists; or that its continued existance would be detrimental to the survival of the movie and music industry; some artists (such as those representing this site) actually support the use of Limewire software.
As artists, it is our belief that the free distribution of music and film not only allows performers to reach greater audiences. But it also allows audiences to discover new music to which they might not have otherwise been exposed. This means shutting down Limewire, hurts artists just as much (if not more) as it hurts them.

If you feel strongly about the need for artists and individuals to be able to spread files freely without government interference. We ask that you sign the following petition. To further show your support, we will be providing all who sign the petition a free tshirt to wear to show their support.

Although ideally we hope that this petition will result in the end of the injunction against Limewire. Realistically we hope that it will raise awareness of the need for other P2P sharing softwares to stay open.
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12 Personas con una camiseta por la cara y ni un gracias....
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pedidas un par por aqui
muchas gracias emoticon guiño

Si perdemos, continuaremos siendo el mejor equipo del mundo. Si ganamos, seremos eternos
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Otra pedida.
Gracias.emoticon alegre emoticon alegre

... Ahora mismo en Vitoria-Gasteiz
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Graciasss emoticon guiño , a ver si llegan!!

+ de 500 Tratos OK y +12 años en el foro
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Otra camiseta para el veranito.Gracias

CÓDIGO VERTI: 104967G06632V


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Pedida. Muchas gracias por el aporte!!!!

"Si los españoles hablásemos sólo de lo que sabemos, se generaría un inmenso silencio, que podríamos aprovechar para el estudio."

tratos ok: 1mas1, ringo65, jorgeovi, lolin1982, yours3lf, yotu--, rminguin, zeus_arrov, _legna, nxnayx, garrulillo, rubgonz, fanatos, junnek, dsevene, CowBebop, milenvios-, jjoaqui, Lupen80, keko1873, asterun, kijuna, drpirata, sergiojsm, genaro44, jesuszc99, seroj,soundness,pacosoni,wonki
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gracias compi se agradece
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otra mas pedida.. a ver si llega.. XD
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Pedida. Gracias

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