¡¡¡Carga tu Nexus / otros sin cables por 60€!!! ( Touchstone )

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Pues hace poco ví este video por Youtube...

Y resulta que un manitas ha conseguido instalar el Touchstone de la Palm Pre en el Nexus One aprovechando los pins de carga que tiene bajo. Emocionado fui buscando todos los componentes necesarios para no tener que andar pinchando el usb siempre emoticon sonrisa

En los comentarios del mismo video está el tutorial para hacerlo, pero lo pego aquí también:

The mod involved buying a Palm Pre Wireless Charging Kit. Both the charging puck and replacement backplate were needed. The coil and magnets from the Palm backplate were transplanted to the Nexus One backplate, and the coil was wired into the dock connectors on the bottom of the Nexus One. The dock pins provided an extremely easy way to connect the coil to the Nexus One. Note that the wire used is very fine motor winding wire. Also note that the Nexus One backplate was sanded down to make room for the coil and magnets. This provided better adherence to the puck and probably provides better charging performance.

Charging performance is still being evaluated. The voltage measured off the dock pins when charging was 5V. The charging process was very slow with the screen left on, however in sleep mode the Nexus One charged completely overnight.

A welcome discovery of this project was ease of installation. The Palm Pre was originally thought to send some sort of proximity signal to the puck, but this turned out false. The coil will provide 5VDC when in proximity to the puck, nothing else is required. This makes it possible to accomplish this mod not only with the Nexus One, but with a wide variety of 5 volt (any USB) devices.

Some images of the project

Removing the bottom cover of the Nexus One to reach the dock connector pins:
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Coil and magnets in original Palm backplate:
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Solder points and wire runs inside the Nexus One case:
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Coil and magnets placed into Nexus One:
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Wiring on coil:
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Pues resulta que al final conseguí todo lo necesario pero no me siento capaz de meterle mano al Nexus, así que pongo todo el pack a vuestra disposición. Está compuesto por:

-Tapa trasera de la Palm Pre especial para Touchstone.
-Carcasa de recambio original Google Nexus One (se incluye la parte de bajo donde pone HTC que está tan buscada).
-Herramientas para la apertura de gadgets (Destornilladores, palancas, puas, ...)
-Cables finos AWG 30 especiales para electrónica y gadgets.

La verdad es que no es nada difícil el tutorial, pero no me siento manitas, jejeje emoticon colorao
Aquí os dejo unas fotos del conjunto (ni el Nexus ni Zoidberg se incluyen ehh!

¡¡¡Carga tu Nexus / otros sin cables por 60€!!! ( Touchstone )

Y esto es todo! el precio que voy a poner es de 60€ G.I. que creo que es un buen precio para un pack asi de "apañao".
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No se por qué no salen las fotos...emoticon colorao pero aquí teneis el album:

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